
Interest Courses

Interest Courses in Philosophy and Theology

DUC welcomes anyone with an interest in philosophy or theology to audit interest courses. Students who take interest courses without seeking a grade or credit for the course are given auditor status. At DUC, auditors can register for up to 8 credits per semester and do not require any prior knowledge or qualifications to take an interest course. Also, registration into a certificate or degree program is not required.

If you’re auditing a course you’ll be expected to complete all course requirements except the final exam, and your transcript will show your status as an auditor for the course. After completing a limited number of courses and achieving a reasonable level of academic success, you may be eligible to enrol in a full-time program of studies.

Registration process for interest courses

Auditors are not required to submit an application package.  Simply register online by clicking on the “register” button of your interest course(s) below or complete the course registration form found here for the desired course(s) and submit the completed form in person at the Office of the Registrar (Office 310) or send by mail to:

Office of the Registrar, 96 Empress Ave. Ottawa Ontario, K1R 7G3

For more information regarding course availability, or to make an appointment to register, please email us at or call us 613-233-5696 (x310).