
Saint Thomas Aquinas Day

January 28, 2022

As we remember our master Thomas Aquinas on this January 28, 2022, let us recall his incomparable contribution to Western culture and to the Christian faith, as well as the breath of hope that illuminated his work. Speaking about the theologian and his quest for wisdom, he wrote:

“Of all the efforts to which men give themselves up, it is the pursuit of wisdom that prevails in perfection, in elevation, in utility, and in joy. (…)

It is this which has led us to draw from the mercy of God the boldness to assume the office of the wise, even though it exceeds our strength. The aim we propose to pursue is to set forth the truth professed by the Catholic faith and to refute contrary errors. In the words of St. Hilary, “the principal office of my life, to which I feel conscientiously obliged before God, is that all my words and all my feelings speak of him”. (Free translation)

The Dominican University College, which bears this exceptional heritage, is committed to following in the footsteps of the master of Aquinas and strives to continue his work. That is why I thank all of our professors, students and staff today for their courageous and determined commitment to the ways he taught us.


Brigitte Quintal, M.A.Th., B.C.L., DUC President