AECDO (Association des Étudiants du Collège Dominican d’Ottawa) is a vibrant group of students that represent the student community at DUC. It strives to make your learning journey as well as your overall university experience a memorable one.
A Message from the President of the Association
Hello, my name is Matthew MacLeod, and I am the DUC’s student body (AECDO) president. I am currently pursuing a degree in Philosophy with a minor in Theology here at the university. AECDO seeks to have a lively student body through visits to the National Art Gallery, hikes in Gatineau, organized weekend retreats to the Dominican Chalet in Luskville, QC, and other such activities. Should you wish to get in touch with me or any other AECDO officer, please email us at main AECDO email.
Student Association Elections
Student elections are held annually during the month of September. Posters will be available on billboards throughout the campus to keep you informed of the date of the elections. If you want to get involved and wish to submit your candidacy to be part of the Association, please contact us by email at for more detail.
Social activities, Sports, Cultural Events and Conferences
During the school year, the student association organizes a number of activities, social outings, events and get-togethers. Some of these include:
- Social Activities for Students – AECDO encourages students, once in a while to take a breather from the hectic hustle and bustle of studying in order to get to know each other and share in social events in a more informal setting. Jointly with the Dominican community, AECDO welcomes students to spend some time at the Dominican cottage, to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy good food and fun, at the heart of nature. Students can take advantage of this social activity at least twice during the academic year.
- Sports and Cultural Activities– AECDO takes its role of responding to the needs and suggestions of the DUC students seriously. As a result, DUC created a band that meets once a week, coordinates visits to museums and other events. Students often get together to go hiking, and ice skating in the region. Activities are usually inexpensive or free!
- Concerts– Given the great acoustics of the building, the Dominican Church is well known for hosting various classical music concerts. DUC students are often part of the groups that play in the music ensembles.
- Conferences – Throughout the school year, students are encouraged to attend one or many of conferences that are organized at DUC which cover a wide range of topics. These conferences are hosted and attended by professors, students, and invited speakers and are a great way to build your academic network. For over 15 years, AECDO has held its annual student conference in the month of February. The conference features presentations from both undergraduate and graduate students from the Ottawa region, as well as from across North America.
Get involved! Make the most of your time at DUC!
Contact us at